Born on january 22th 1992, Adams peter aka Pexy Adams was born and bred in d slums back in lagos nigeria, from the out skirts of festac extension to be precised! Just at the tender age of six years and a half, this remarkably talented protege began writing poetries from hymn books to nursery rhymes in primary School, and also started free writing from a perspective of day to day happenings in the society/personal life! inspirations from tupac, nas, eminem and andre 3000 were potential build ups to my sense abt genre equality with music versatility! Age 13 to 16 brought forth another dispensation as i graduated from just writing to open mic freestyles down the block as my passion grew stronger for the the art, but it wasnt until late 2009/10 i began professionally going to the studio to make records and also started a music crew/band *Crazy boiz in the house* Wonder1DA is the first Official Single i decided to push all out on air play and reviews cos i feel its an expression o...